My Vision and Platform for Macon County
- Jobs. The demand for corporate positions with benefits is absolute. OUR youth leave OUR county every day taking their dreams, professional careers, and tax paying abilities with them. This must stop for OUR survival. Read more.
- Increased taxes, low-hanging fruit, are frequently the solutions to difficult situations. I will always work for people to enjoy more of their hard-earned wealth. I will remind my commission colleagues and citizens that 1/3 of our neighbors remain in poverty.
- Bonds, taxes, and fees, I will request our Legislative Delegation to give you, the taxpayer, a yea or nay option on a ballot for additional money from your wallet. No one knows your family finances better than you!
- Support Mom and Pops, the backbone for socio-economic improvement.The County's Business Privilege Fee is harmful to the business owner, customers, and county.
- Communication will be improved between the commission, citizens, county committees, elected public servants, and stakeholders. Read more.

- Grant writer. Hire a full-time employee or contract one to ensure OUR county is kept abreast of grants and write applications. This person shall research, communicate and coordinate with agencies, write, followup on their process and be the go-to person for public and private grants. The compensation shall be cost shared among municipalities as desired.
- Environment. We deserve a clean environment for OUR general health and recruitment of prospective businesses and residents. Read more.
- Gaming. I support residents' right to enjoy lottery and gaming, in particular, VictoryLand.
- Promote Macon County businesses with more Economic Freedom and less government.
- Healthcare and safety. I will work with Representative Pebblin Warren for 24/7 health and emergency care and maintaining OUR ambulance service.
- Appreciate the value of citizens interested in advancing OUR county with appointments to such positions Tourism Director and Litter Control Director.
- Our County Employees are the pulse of government and will be honored to the broadest degree as possible.
Read more.
- Roads and Bridges. Dedicated resources will be applied to OUR Roads and Bridges in an equitable and emergency basis. Read more.
- Cell phone And Internet. I will ensure consistent and reliable Broadband and cell service is available to all households in District 4. Most E911 calls are made via cell phones. Dead zones are unacceptable under that fact. Read more.
- County Bond Rating. OUR poor financial situation yields lower bond ratings, which results in higher interest rates, over decades at times. Public discussions of bonds will conducted prior to "signing on the dotted line" for the benefit of your children and grandchildren, who will be stuck with this financial burden.
- County Planning. George Washington Carver said "A man without vision is a man without hope." That is Macon County. Read more.
- Support Neighborhood Watch Clubs with the Sheriff.
- Support the reverse 911 call system to alert opt-in citizens of emergencies. This has been kicked around for nearly a decade, why? You will know why if you trust me to find out and share what I find. .
- Proactive Open Government. Affording citizens the convenience of seeing and taking part in their government is an important puzzle piece for a healthy government. Read more.
- Fiscal Responsibility. County funds, your taken wealth, will be obligated as if it is coming from your and my wallet. Read more.
- Shredding Road Litter. I will initiate an arrangement where the County Engineer, to the best of his ability, will notify residents of proposed bush hog activity along their road frontage at least 3 days in advance to enable home and business owners an opportunity to pick up litter before being shredded and shattered.
- Informed Citizens. People are curious! Voluntarily providing the budget and other public documents online will enlighten those curious minds toward the well-being of OUR county. Read more.
- Problem Solving. No one individual, including the 5 on our commission and myself, knows the complexity and depth of OUR county issues. Citizens living the realities are more likely to offer a solution to the issue than the five sitting behind the dais. The business community and Tuskegee University partnering in a contractual scholarship to student voluntary firefighter and a graduating high school student to bring to fruition their business vision in Macon County are illustrations of citizen-based problem solving.